AdventureCraft 101- Baton's & Feathersticks
This class is about getting folks out with little to no previous experience and teaching people foundational bushcraft and survival skills that can be built upon down the road.
Students should expect to bring a lunch and whatever clothing is necessary to spend the day regardless of weather walking in the woods and bushcrafting!
Recommended gear includes but is not limited to
Knife- full tang with 6+ inch blade
Folding saw
Ferro rod/ lighter
AdventureCraft 101- Baton & Featherstick
Classic location is in Edmonson County Ky at
0 Caney Hollow Rd
Brownsville, Ky 42210
This class is appropriate for any person of any skill level so long as they understand the inherent risks of being outdoors and working with knives.
This is a kid friendly class so long as parents maintain responsibility for their kids.
Each participant must be a paid participant.